Meeting SFAR Co-ordination group

27th February 2020 SABS was delighted to have participated in the meeting of the Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees co-ordination group. With thanks to the kind hospitality of the Scottish Refugee Council. We learnt of the inspiring work…

What is Islam Part 1?

We would like to send a huge, heartfelt thank you to Shaykh Ayyub Rashid for his amazing talk. Deeply insightful, informative and rich with his experience, it was a real honour for us to host and we all benefited greatly by his presence! JazakAllah…

Qiyāmah – The Day of Judgment and Resurrection

Qiyāmah - The Day of Judgment and the Resurrection The day of resurrection will be the end of days, when all of mankind will be brought back to life in their original forms, and will be tried and examined according to the deeds that they…

Imāmah – Divine Leadership

Imāmah - Divine Leadership The major distinction between the Shī’a Ithnā ʿAsharīs and the other Islamic schools of thought revolves around the issue of Imamah, or the early succession to Prophet Muhammad. The school of…

Nubuwwah – Prophethood

Nubuwwah - Prophethood Prophets are individuals who received Divine revelation and guidance to lead humanity towards righteousness and a recognition of God. Since the inception of history, God sent numerous prophets and messengers to mankind.…

ʿAdl – Divine Justice

Adl - Divine Justice God is Just and He never wrongs. Moreover, He does not have a cause for injustice toward His creatures, for injustice is an immoral action and God is incapable of evil. God is omniscient and never neglects any matter.…

Tawḥīd- Monotheism

Tawḥīd - Monotheism Monotheism is the essence of Islam. It is the affirmation that there is no other divinity other than the Almighty God. For the most part, the spirit of the Qurʾan revolves around the theme of pure monotheism. Thus,…