(Celebrating International Women’s Day)

The ‘Gender Equality and Health’ Event at The Scottish Parliament organised by The Edinburgh Ahlul Bayt Society in association with Imamia Medics International – IMI and sponsored by Bill Kidd MSP, 10/03/15.

Amongst our distinguished guests were: RT Hon Alex Salmond MSP (Former First Minister of Scotland), Senior Parliamentarians, MSPs, Cross-Party groups, Scottish Government Ministers, Kezia Dugdale Deputy Leader of Scottish Labour, Willie Rennie Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, various inter-religious leaders, the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS), the charity Anthony Nolan, the Commander of the British Army in Scotland, Dr Idris Jones, Emeritus Episcopalian Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway, Consul Generals from Pakistan, China, the USA, France and Italy, and a host of others respected attendees.


[youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”]PLACE_LINK_HERE[/youtube]