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School visit by Moulana Kassamali

Moulana Mohammed Kassam’Ali, Head of SABS Education and Interfaith Coordinator, visited SABS’ Lady Sughra School in Glasgow which runs on Saturdays for the community’s children.

Visit to Gilani Shrine Baghdad

The Sheikh visited the resting place and mausoleum of Abdul Qadir Al-Gilani, the founder of one of the world’s largest Sufi Orders, the Qadiriyyah tariqah, who passed away almost a thousand years ago in Baghdad. The visit demonstrated our solidarity with the Sunni Muslim communities, in particular those of the Gilani family who are the […]

Shia Clerics Supporting Imam Hussain Day

It was a privilege to have had Majlis e Ulema, including its President Moulana Ali Raza Rizvi, support the endeavours of the Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society’s Youth in promoting Imam Hussain Day which occurs on the 12th October in Scotland.

Speaking on the Pulpit of Hussain, Karbala

The Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society Director General Sayed Ali Abass Razawi was deeply honoured and grateful to the Almighty for having been able to have lectured in English on the pulpit at the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain in Karbala, Iraq.

Meeting in Najaf with Western Scholars

Najaf, we were honoured to host a historic first-time meeting in Najaf, Iraq with scholars and faith leaders from the Western world. A fruitful discussion took place on matters ranging from spiritual to contemporary issues faced by our communities. Members came together from Canada, UK, USA, Sweden and Iraq. Sheikh Fayyaz Jaffar (NYU), Sheikh Saleem […]

SABS Christmas Visitations 2018

At this time, Christians across the world remember the birth of the Messiah Jesus Christ, may Peace and Blessings be upon him; one who was strengthened by the Holy Spirit. Muslims too recount the sacred teachings of this exalted Prophet. The Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society, in reverence to this most noble personage, again came together […]

Christmas gift distribution

This Christmas, Glasgow The Caring City made it part of their mission to distribute presents to people and organisations across Scotland in the way of goodwill and giving, supported by the Royal Air Forces Association. SABS was delighted to have helped distribute some of the gifts within Glasgow through the Lady Sughra School to Glasgow […]

LSS trip to Eastwood theatre

As the school term comes to an end, the children of the Lady Sughra School, who have worked diligently and well at their studies, were rewarded with a treat! The pupils went on a field trip to Eastwood theatre and afterwards each received a present from the School for their effort and hard work. We […]

LSS donates to Shelter Scotland

The Lady Sughra School pupils and parents got together to donate to Shelter Scotland in aid of the homeless and those in need. The school pupils learnt of the importance of giving and kindness, and sent gifts for the holiday season to those less fortunate, along with essentials for the homeless. We thank Shelter Scotland […]

Interfaith Celebration of the births of Jesus and Muhammad (PBUT)

SABS Director General at an incredibly warm Interfaith Celebration of the births of Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them both, hosted at the Surrey Islamic centre and sponsored by the South London Interfaith Group. The gathering brought together Christians and Muslims and contained Carols and Nasheeds. Carols in the Islamic centre: click here