22/05/17 – Manchester – We are deeply saddened by news of the tragic and brutal attack in Manchester due to which a great many people have lost their lives, and many more have been injured.

We condemn this despicable and cowardly attack; it is truly unforgivable and unjustifiable in any human terms. At this time, we extend our prayers to the victims, and our deepest condolences and sympathies to the families who have lost such young and precious life.

We pray that no one need ever endure such sorrows and tragedies, and hope to work together–in love for what is good–to expel all such evil and injustice from wherever it might be found and to establish peace and harmony–with the Help of the Almighty, the Gracious and the Ever-Watchful.

On behalf of the Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society

Shabir Beg –– Chairman


A letter to the people of Manchester by The Islamic Society of Britain

You are not alone. People of all faiths and none, all over Britain, are with you today, tomorrow and in the days to come. You are in our hearts. You are in our prayers.

The attack on some of your most innocent and vulnerable citizens has appalled us all.

Terrorism has no place in our society. No religion offers justification for such a barbaric attack.

We salute the great bravery and resilience that you have shown, which has served as an example for people right across the UK. Our emergency services have acted heroically, as have the ordinary citizens of Manchester – offering comfort, a bed for the night or a lift home to those in need. You have shown humanity at its best, at a time when you experienced it at its worst.

We hope you will continue to stand together at this difficult time. We will stand beside you. And together we will work together for peace, compassion, understanding and hope.

Signed by over 90 faith leaders from Manchester, across the country and France:

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