By Shaykh Ahmed Haneef

We would like to thank the esteemed scholar Shaykh Ahmed Haneef for presenting an edifying and spiritually uplifting lecture yesterday on the need for spirituality in the modern world. We all departed from the hall invigorated with an enthusiasm to reform our souls for the sake of Allah [swt]. The Shaykh so selflessly gave us of his time and busy schedule, and for that we are in his debt. We would also like to thank all those who attended the event, and hope that they benefited from it immensely.

‘Shaykh Ahmed Haneef is a Canadian now residing in the UK. He attended York University, and Mac Master University. While at University he was involved in the black power struggles in the 1970′s and the anti racism and apartheid struggles of the 1980’s. He accepted Islam in 1982 and subsequently left Canada to pursue Islamic Studies at one of the traditional seats of higher learning in the Holy City of Qom in the Islamic Republic of Iran. He has been studying in Qom for over 12 years where he has graduated in the higher Islamic subjects. His main subject areas of study are Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), Principles of Law, Tafseer (interpretation of the Quran), Islamic History, Irfaan (Islamic Gnosis and Spirituality), and Islamic Philosophy. He has written and published a number of articles on Islam. He was also directly involved in editing and correcting an English translation of al-Mizan the tafseer of the Quran written by the outstanding philosopher Allamah Tabataba’i. At the same time he is first and foremost a grassroots activist and worker involved in the day to day affairs of Muslim youth, converts and oppressed peoples in North America and Africa. At present he is a member of the staff at the Islamic Centre of England.’